Output Current Status to External Application

If you need to perform custom actions based on Sparkbooth's current status, you can enable Sparkbooth to output its status to a text file and have a custom application monitor this file for changes. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings > Premium > General.
  2. Enable Write application status to.
  3. Have your application or script watch for changes to the sparkbooth-status.txt file shown in the file path.

If your application or script needs to monitor the Sparkbooth window title, enable the Display in window title setting.

Status Lines:

Sparkbooth will write the following lines to the text file:

  • START: At start screen waiting to begin a session
  • DISCLOSURE_SCREEN: Disclosure screen displayed
  • GETREADY_SCREEN: Get ready screen displayed
  • GATEWAY_SCREEN: Gateway or Payment screen displayed
  • PHOTO_LAYOUT_SCREEN: Photo layout selection screen
  • PHOTO_EFFECT_SCREEN: Photo effect selection screen
  • OVERLAY_SCREEN: Overlay selection screen
  • BACKGROUND_SCREEN: Background selection screen
  • SESSION_START: Starting a session
  • COUNTDOWN: Countdown starts
  • TAKE_PHOTO_{#}: Taking a photo (where # is the photo number)
  • DEVELOPING_PHOTOS: Generating the photo layout
  • DRAWING_PHOTO_SCREEN: Drawing or signing screen displayed
  • SAVED_LAYOUT: Saved the photo layout (followed by tab and the saved layout path)
  • ENCODING_GIF: Generating an animated GIF
  • PRINT_PROMPT: Print prompt screen displayed
  • FORM_PROMPT: Prompt form screen displayed
  • UPLOAD_PROMPT: Upload prompt screen displayed for "Send to Account" uploads
  • UPLOAD_GUEST: Prompt guest for upload for "Send to Guest" uploads
  • MAILINGLIST: Sending to mailing list
  • PREVIEW: Preview screen displayed
  • SESSION_COMPLETE: End of session
  • SESSION_CANCELLED: Session has been cancelled

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