Special Photo Layout Settings

Frequently Asked Questions: Photo Layout Settings

In the Photo Layout settings, there is an Actions (Lightning Bolt) icon that includes additional options.

Photo Layout Settings
Action Submenu Options

These options allow you to:

  1. Photo Layout Generation (Eye): This function creates the currently selected photo layout by using the preview photo placeholder and opens it in the default image viewer. The preview photo placeholder can be customized in the Start Screen Settings.
  2. Import Layout (Open Folder): Imports photo layout from either an exported .sbl or .json file
  3. Hide/Unhide Layouts (Eye Slash): Maintain a tidy workspace by easily concealing layouts that are not currently being utilized.
  4. Clearing Layout Cache (Eraser): This function clears the image cache of the currently displayed photo layout and regenerates the image shown in photo layout settings.
  5. Delete Layout (Trash Can): This action will remove the currently selected user-created layout. It is important to note that read-only photo layouts cannot be deleted; instead, you can utilize the Hide/Unhide layout option to conceal them.
  6. Reset Selected Photo Layout (Reload): This section provides options for resetting the selected photo layout at the end of the session. This feature can be particularly useful in cases where guest-selected photo layouts need to be modified:
    1. Default Layout: This option resets the layout to the currently selected photo layout.
    2. Next Favorite: Selecting this option will reset the layout to the next favorited photo layout.
    3. Random Favorite: Choosing this option will reset the layout to a randomly selected favorite photo layout.
    4. Same Layout: No reset will occur, preserving the last guest-selected photo layout.
  7. Select by current photo size: This option is utilized for guest-selected photo layouts. When activated, guests will only have the ability to choose layouts that match the proportions of the currently selected photo (square, widescreen, portrait, etc.). If disabled, guests have the flexibility to choose photo layouts of varying proportions.

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