Sparkbooth 5 Release Notes

Recent changes to Sparkbooth 5 and Sparkbooth DSLR

5.0.186 Download: Windows  Mac  Windows Canon DSLR  Windows Nikon DSLR

- Switch to new services server

5.0.185 Download: Windows  Mac  Windows Canon DSLR  Windows Nikon DSLR

- Fix false warning for DSLR license

5.0.184 Download: Windows  Mac  Windows Canon DSLR  Windows Nikon DSLR

- Remove slower non-legacy GIF encoder

- Update licensing component


- Fix importing of telephone numbers into Send Photo Later queue


- Fix importing of non-supported photo size layouts

- Counters import will skip if type, action, name, and target are the same as existing

- By default counters will not be exported


- Add Send to Account Facebook notification


- Use external browser to sign into Send to Account Facebook uploaders

- Remove unused Facebook permissions

- Remove Custom Facebook App which is no longer supported


- Display save errors as notifications


- Fix Facebook Post Share uploader

- Display Facebook access expire date

- Remove Google Photos (Picasa). Google has ended the Picasa service. Check out Sparkbooth 6, which uses the new Google Photos service


- Extend Facebook login duration


- Trim portrait, no rotation correctly for webcam

- Update legacy GIF encoder


- Fix Facebook login for mobile and hotspot domains


- Fix for Windows 10 1903 update


- Login in using external browser for SmugMug and Flickr

- Fix Facebook link sharing

- Fix more Facebook login warning


- Fix login verification for some uploaders


- Fix Facebook login and update service version

- Fix SmugMug uploading


- Add Guest upload prompt setting


- Update for new Facebook login


- Fix listing of Facebook pages


- Update to new Twitter service

- Removed MobypictureTwitter, TwitPic, TwitrPix, and YFrog uploaders


- Fix photo layout rendering timeout

- Fix default print copies in photo kiosk and album


- Remove incomplete uploaders


- Fix SmugMug login

- Smaller install


- Fix listing of Facebook pages


- Smaller installer

- Allow Facebook 2-factor login


- Update Facebook uploader for changes coming on August 2018

- Decrease time to open camera list

- Update photo timeout message


- Update GIF encoding

- Fix updating start button text

- Fix photo kiosk prompts showing email and telephone twice

- Fix cached Twitter name from previous session


- Update GIF encoding


- Fix updating start button text


- Optimize camera initialization


- Optimize DSLR live view start up

- Fix resetting of photo effects

- Fix GIF encoding issues

- Fix null cover screen settings

- Add request support link in About screen


- Add Sparkpost EU

- Rename Picasa to Google Photos and enable albums

- Start screen dialog should always be on top of the prompt message

- Make layout editor background lighter for better contrast

- Cloning layouts makes copies of images

- Fix deleting of images when referenced by multiple layouts


- Add start session key-press setting


- Update Facebook service version

- Adjust settings layout for long text labels


- Add START event to status file and allow status to be shown in window title bar

- Show all MailChimp lists sorted by name

- Fix save settings for photo kiosk mode


- Enable Facebook 2-factor login

- Fix Facebook logout


- Fix cycling of photo effect selection


- Fix layout filename text rendering


- Improved Canon component

- Prevent Canon camera from timing out

- Add cancel session shortcut action

- Fix retake photo shortcut action

- Send photo later queue imports photos from same folder as import file

- Fix preview duration 'None' slider label

- Update some missing translations


- Album screen close button should be disabled after selecting a photo


- Fix photo size setting for portrait photos

- Revert max photo size setting


- Fix handling of bad Facebook authorization token


- Fix saving of new layout items in editor after changing item settings


- Fix layout reset setting switching back to default


- Fix resetting of photo effect for DSLR


- Fix for json import

- Fix for importing photo layout with same name as existing


- Remove dash separators for default filename

- Consistent single and camera filenames

- Rename retaken photo filename

- Fix brighten live view when 'using external flash' setting disabled


- Fix ordering of photos for layout export

- Allow brighten live view if use external flash settings is disabled [Canon]

- Fix reading of modes for new Canon cameas [Canon]


- Add support for Canon T7i, 77D, 6D Mark II, SL2 [Canon DSLR]

- Fix photo kiosk handling of split and duplicate layouts

- Fix print counter for guest copy selection

- Fix Pinterest posting

- New photo layout JSON export format

- Update Facebook service version

- Fix display of split photo layout for guest selection


- Fix display split layouts in layout selection screen

- Fix layout editor print preview for display split and duplicate print layouts


- Fix settings export for bad images


- Get all SmugMug albums

- Add refresh and sort albums for Evernote, Facebook Post Share, Flickr, Imgur, ShootProof, SmugMug and Zenfolio settings

- Fix Evernote login

- Fix ShootProof event selection


- Fix crash when camera disconnects and brighten live view is enabled


- Resized uploaded images should save with jpg extension

- Send to Guest upload status should use selected uploader rather than 'Your Service'

- Fix skipping GIF generation if print is canceled from prompt screen

- Fade out overlapping animated text prompts

- Only upload errors are displayed as notifications


- Change language to Spanish, German, French, or Brazilian Portuguese

- DSLR supports Nikon cameras

- Take photos by trigger without countdown

- Retake photos in session

- Animated text countdown

- Custom countdown audio so you can add voice clips for 1, 2, 3...

- Custom countdown images so you can use your own images

- Portrait mode for tall screens including camera rotation

- Display layout as split strip

- Print layout as doubled strip

- Use screensaver instead of cover screen

- Video and animated text screensaver and cover screens

- Post animated GIFs to Facebook using new "Facebook Post Share" uploader to posted GIF on photo sharing services and then share photo on Facebook

- Use animated GIFs for screen overlays or green screen backgrounds

- Add setting to display photo progress bar [DSLR]

- Add settable photo layout background color

- Add before photo messages

- Optimizations for on-screen message display

- Display text prompts with animation

- Change trigger photo text and display as notification or prompt

- Update Facebook photo urls

- Add Vivial Connect as mobile sending option

- Add 'None' theme

- Add button option for photo trigger and photo retake

- Removed screen click for photo trigger (use button option instead)

- Separate email prompt from guest emailing screen

- Add option to show more than one layout on selection screen

- Add rewind / boomerang gif animation option

- Add animated text prompt color setting

- Add popup animation to selected layout on selection screen

- Timed out uploads should be queued in send photo later

- Add subfolder options for saving singles, originals, and GIFs

- Add create subfolder options for startup only or hours after midnight

- Enter key press on prompt screens will submit

- Photo effect selection screen disables selection buttons for less than 2 selectable effects

- Add in-application settings reset

- Email and mobile senders will prompt for information if uninitialized and save into queue

- Uploaders will be reinitialized when internet status changes

- Allow upside down configuration of camera

- Setting for camera flash color and transparency

- ESC press exists photo kiosk screens

- Add bevel, outline, drop shadow effects to photo layout editor

- Add layout editor view zooming

- Add photo layout pre-rendering to speed up layout generation

- Update STMP emailer to ignore certificate warnings

- Add layout checker to remove bad images

- UI tweaks

- Move gif generation after printing

- Fix SmugMug uploads

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