Using Touch Screen

Using Sparkbooth with Touch Screen Computers

Sparkbooth can be used with touch screen computers, but you may need a keyboard to initially configure some settings.

Initial Configuration

  1. Accessing the Toolbar:
    • Use the toolbar to access the settings, start screen settings, camera settings, and full screen toggle. If you prefer to hide the toolbar, you can enable hot corners to open the settings (see hot corners below).
  1. Configuring Start Screen Settings:
    • Tap the Start Screen Settings icon in the toolbar to configure Sparkbooth to start a session with a tap on the screen.
    • Enable "Click or touch screen to start" to allow touching the screen to start a session.
    • Change the Start Text to something like "Touch Screen to Begin."
    • Configure Hot Corners: These settings allow you to assign actions to each corner of the screen. You run the action by tapping and holding the corner.

  1. Configuring Keyboard Settings:
    • Select the Keyboard settings.
    • Enable "On screen keyboard" if you are using any of the prompts or Send To Guest uploads.
  1. Enabling Application Lock:
    • Enable "Lock Application" to prevent guests from exiting fullscreen mode. This will also enable the touch and hold corner on the main screen.
    • Use the touch and hold corner to hide the toolbar from the main screen when the lock is on. When you need to access the toolbar, turn off lock mode using the touch and hold corner.

By following these steps, you can set up Sparkbooth to work seamlessly with touch screen computers, ensuring an interactive and user-friendly experience for your guests.

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