Reset Settings to Default

There are two ways to reset your settings back to default.

Method 1: Through the Settings Menu

  • Access Settings:
    • Go to Settings > About and click the Sparkbooth logo to display the "Reset Settings" link.

  • Reset Settings:
    • Click the "Reset Settings" link to reset your settings.

Method 2: Using a Script

If you cannot open the Settings dialog, there is another way to reset settings.

For Windows:

  1. Open the Sparkbooth folder under the Program Files folder.
  2. Double-click on the reset.bat file. If you do not see a reset.bat file, update or download the latest update for your version.

For Mac:

  1. Open the terminal.
  2. Type cd /Applications/Sparkbooth\ and press Enter.
  3. Type ./Contents/MacOS/Sparkbooth\ 7 reset and press Enter. - Sparkbooth will open and ask if you want to reset the settings back to default. - If you are running a different version of Sparkbooth, replace "Sparkbooth\ 7" with "Sparkbooth\ DSLR\ Canon\ 7" if you have Sparkbooth DSLR Canon 7.

Final Step: Resetting

Reset Dialog:

    • You will be presented with a dialog to either reset your settings or the current photo layout.

By following these steps, you can reset your Sparkbooth settings to default, ensuring a fresh start for your application.

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