Emailing Photos

FAQ: Setting Up Emailing of Photos in Sparkbooth

Using Sparkbooth, you can easily email photos to your guests. To get started, you just need to create an account with one of the supported email providers: Sparkpost, MailGun, Mandrill, SendGrid, Postmark, or SMTP. We suggest using Gmail as it is the easiest to set up.

Gmail Setup

  1. In Sparkbooth, press Ctrl+1 to display Settings.
  2. Select Send to Guest.
  3. Enable Allow guests to send photos to their… and Email.
  4. In the drop-down list, select Gmail.

  5. Click Login to open a web browser, sign into your Gmail account, and give Sparkbooth permission to send emails.
  6. On the success code page, Sparkbooth will be notified and you can close the web page
  7. Return to Sparkbooth, you should be signed into your Gmail account.
  8. Sparkbooth should now be set up to send emails with your Gmail account.
  9. Update the Email From Address with your Gmail email address.

SMTP Setup

  1. Check with your email provider for SMTP server access details (host, port, secure connection, and account authentication).
  2. In Sparkbooth, press Ctrl+1 to display Settings.
  3. Select Send to Guest.
  4. Enable Allow guests to send photos to their… and Email.
  5. In the drop-down list, select Email via SMTP.
  6. Enter the SMTP server and account information into the form, and press the Verify button. If using Gmail, Hotmail, Outlook, or Yahoo email, select the service from the drop-down list for predefined settings.

  7. If everything is correct, Sparkbooth will verify the SMTP server. Update the Email From Address to match your email address and customize the email subject and message.
  8. Verify the setup by selecting the Test button.
  9. Press Close. Sparkbooth will now prompt your guests for an email address and email the photo.

Note: For Gmail, use the Gmail emailer instead of SMTP. If you must use SMTP for Gmail, create an app password for Sparkbooth. For Yahoo with 2-factor authentication, create a separate app password.

MailGun Setup

  1. Sign up for an account at MailGun.
  2. Add your email domain and update your DNS records (SPF & DKIM) for sending. MailGun will need to verify the DNS records are correct before you can send emails.
  3. Once the domain is verified, go to Domains and click on your domain.
  4. Copy the API Key for your domain.

  5. In Sparkbooth, press Ctrl+1 to display Settings.
  6. Select Send to Guest.
  7. Enable Allow guests to send photos to their… and Email.
  8. In the drop-down list, select Email via MailGun.

  9. Enter your MailGun API Key and email domain into the form, and press Login to MailGun. If using the EU service, enable the "Use EU" setting before logging in.
  10. Update the Email From Address to match your email address. Customize the email subject and message.
  11. Verify the setup by selecting the Test button.
  12. Press Close. Sparkbooth will now prompt your guests for an email address and email the photo.

Sparkpost Setup

  1. Sign up for an account at Sparkpost.
  2. Sign in to the Sparkpost dashboard.
  3. Verify your Sending Domain to use your email address for sending. If you skip this step, use for the "from" email address (limited number of sends allowed).

  4. Go to API Keys and create a new API key with permissions to read Templates and write Transmissions. Copy the API key after it is created.

  5. In Sparkbooth, press Ctrl+1 to display Settings.
  6. Select Send to Guest.
  7. Enable Allow guests to send photos to their… and Email.
  8. In the drop-down list, select Email via Sparkpost.

  9. Enter your Sparkpost API Key into the form, and press Login to Sparkpost. If using the EU service, enable the "Use EU" setting before logging in.
  10. Update the Email From Address to match your email address. Customize the email subject and message.
  11. Verify the setup by selecting the Test button.
  12. Press Close. Sparkbooth will now prompt your guests for an email address and email the photo.

SendGrid Setup

  1. Sign up for an account at SendGrid.
  2. Go to Settings > API Keys and click the Create API Key button.

  3. Fill out the Create API Key form and click the Create & View button.

  4. Copy the API Key value to paste into Sparkbooth.
  5. In Sparkbooth, press Ctrl+1 to display Settings.
  6. Select Send to Guest.
  7. Enable Allow guests to send photos to their… and Email.
  8. In the drop-down list, select Email via SendGrid.
  9. Paste the SendGrid API Key value into the form, and press Login to SendGrid.

  10. Update the Email From Address to match your email address. Customize the email subject and message.
  11. Verify the setup by selecting the Test button.
  12. Press Close. Sparkbooth will now prompt your guests for an email address and email the photo.

Postmark Setup

  1. Sign up for an account at Postmark.
  2. Click on the Servers tab and press the Add button to create an email server.
  3. After creating an email server, click on the server, then the Credentials sub-tab. Copy the Server API token value.

4. Click on Signatures and set up the "from" email address for your account.

5. In Sparkbooth, press Ctrl+1 to display Settings. 6. Select Send to Guest. 7. Enable Allow guests to send photos to their… and Email.

8. In the drop-down list, select Email via Postmark.


9. Enter your Postmark Server API Key into the form, and press Login to Postmark.

10. Update the Email From Address to match your email address. Customize the email subject and message. 11. Verify the setup by selecting the Test button. 12. Press Close. Sparkbooth will now prompt your guests for an email address and email the photo.

Mandrill Setup

  1. Sign up for an account at Mandrill.
  2. Create an API Key under Settings.

  3. In Sparkbooth, press Ctrl+1 to display Settings.
  4. Select Send to Guest.
  5. Enable Allow guests to send photos to their… and Email.
  6. In the drop-down list, select Email via Mandrill.
  7. Enter your Mandrill API key and press Login.

  8. Update the email fields. Enter the email address in the Email from Address that matches your Mandrill account. Customize the Email Subject and Email Message.

  9. Verify the setup by selecting the Test button.
  10. Press Close. Sparkbooth will now prompt your guests for an email address and email the photo.

Send Photo Later

You can queue photos to batch upload later by selecting Send Photo Later. Use this option if you do not have an internet connection during the event. You can then upload the photos later when you have an internet connection. Here is a video tutorial of the process:


  • All email services provide records of all emails sent through your account, allowing you to verify if an email was sent and received by the destination email server.
  • It is recommended to set up email server authentication for your DNS records to ensure email delivery and prevent emails from being marked as spam. Mandrill, SendGrid, and Postmark can help with this. You can also hire an expert to do this.
  • Some email services require you to have your own custom email domain. If your email address is a,,,, or another non-custom domain, this option may not work.

Domain Verification Setup

Most email services require you to own a custom domain and verify it with domain name server (DNS) settings.

If you do not have your own domain, you can purchase one at GoDaddy, which also provides email and DNS services for your domain.

If you need help verifying your domain with changes to your DNS, check with your domain host or hire someone to do it for you. Consider using Fiverr, Guru, or ODesk.

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