Create Split Photo Layout

For creating split photo layouts where a printout is cut into two strips and you want to display only one strip within Sparkbooth, you have two options:

Option 1: Using the "Strip layout printed double" Setting

  1. Create a New Layout: Go to the photo layout editor and press the create new layout button in the toolbar

  2. Enable the Setting: In the New Layout dialog, enable the "Strip layout printed doubled" setting. Change the other settings such as name, paper, and photo size to what you need, and press OK.

  3. Design Your Layout: The layout editor now shows a blank single strip to create your design. This layout will be displayed as a single strip within Sparkbooth but will be duplicated with two strips when printed.

Option 2: Using the "Display Split" Setting

  1. Enable the Setting: If you already have a two-strip layout, you can enable the "Display split" setting so it is shown as a single strip in Sparkbooth.

  2. Considerations: The disadvantage of this type of design is you will need to duplicate any text and images on both strips.

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