Using Printer Specific Paper Sizes

If you are using a DNP, Mitsubishi, Hiti, Sony, Shinko, or Fuji printer, it is best not to adjust the printer pad margins. Instead, create the photo layout using the paper size for the printer. These paper sizes include the bleed margins of the printer, allowing you to manually adjust the positioning of the layout items to center them on the print.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Set Printer Margins:
    • Open Settings > Printer Setup and set all the margin settings to 0.

  1. Open Layout Editor:
    • Go to Settings > Photo Booth > Photo Layouts and press the Layout Editor button.

  1. Create New Layout:
    • Press the New Layout button in the toolbar. In the New Layout dialog, select the paper size for your printer and other layout preferences, then press OK.

  1. Design and Test Print:
    • Create your layout and do a test print to the printer.

  1. Adjust Positioning:
    • Examine the test print. Press Ctrl-A to select all the items on the layout and use the arrow keys to adjust their positioning on the print. Multiple test prints may be necessary to achieve the desired adjustments.

By following these instructions, you can ensure your photo layouts are optimized for printing with DNP, Mitsubishi, Hiti, Sony, Shinko, or Fuji printers, achieving professional and well-centered prints.

Copying an Existing Photo Layout to a Printer-Specific Paper Size

If you already designed a photo layout, you can easily copy the items to a printer-specific paper size. Follow these steps:

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Open Layout Editor:
    • In the Layout Editor, select the photo layout you want to copy
  2. Select All Items:
    • Press Ctrl-A to select all the items on the photo layout.
  3. Copy the Selection:
    • Press Ctrl-C to copy the selected items.
  4. Select Printer-Specific Paper Size Layout:
    • Choose the layout with the printer-specific paper size.
  5. Paste the Items:
    • Press Ctrl-V to paste all the copied items into the printer-specific paper size layout.
  6. Set Background Image:
    • You will need to set the background image again, as it was not copied over with the items.

Copying a Design from a Read-Only Photo Layout

If you need to copy a design from a read-only photo layout, follow these steps:

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Clone the Read-Only Layout:
    • In the Layout Editor, pess the clone button in the toolbar. This will create a copy of the layout that is not read-only.
  2. Open the Cloned Layout:
    • Select the cloned layout in the Layout Editor.
  3. Select All Items:
    • Press Ctrl-A to select all the items on the photo layout.
  4. Copy the Selection:
    • Press Ctrl-C to copy the selected items.
  5. Select Printer-Specific Paper Size Layout:
    • Choose the layout with the printer-specific paper size.
  6. Paste the Items:
    • Press Ctrl-V to paste all the copied items into the printer-specific paper size layout.
  7. Set Background Image:
    • You will need to set the background image again, as it was not copied over with the items.

By following these instructions, you can effectively copy and transfer designs from read-only photo layouts to printer-specific paper sizes, ensuring proper alignment and formatting for your printer.

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